Block fee's can be paid via the booking site (a handling fee will be added), Bank Transfer, cash or cheques (payable to MY Creative Arts). ALL fee's must be paid for no later than the 3rd week of a term.
Once committed to the term (attended 3 sessions) you must pay for the full term.
Refunding of fee's will be at the discretion of Management.
There will be one-off show fee payments of £25.00 per student for major productions to cover costumes, scripts and additional rehearsals. This will be invoiced separately once a student has committed to taking part in a production. This fee is non refundable.
MY Creative Arts uniform is available but not compulsory. However all students should wear suitable clothing for movement session, indoor shoes/dance shoes, no jewellery and hair tied back.
Any student who continuously disrupts any classes will firstly receive a verbal warning, if this continues you will receive a written warning and discussion around whether your child wishes to continue with classes and if so what needs to be put in place to support this.
MY Creative Arts will not tolerate any form of bullying.
Please respect the venues we use and adhere to current COVID-19 policies.
Students should be signed in at hall door. Parents/Carers should then exit the building via the one way system. Students will be walked to the exit by MY staff at the end of the session for collection.